National Grid have outlined plans to help “decarbonise the energy system” by implementing a new set of pylons ranging from the western side of Grimsby to the Walpole area in Norfolk, over 70 miles away.

It forms part of the wider “Great Grid Upgrade”, where National Grid aims to perform the “largest overhaul of the electricity grid in generations”, stating that it will also help the UK switch to clean energy and make sure that the network is fit for the future.

The last major upgrade to the area was in the late 1990s, following demand to connect new gas-fired power stations.

The Humber region is one of the leading regions in the UK when it comes to clean energy production, with sites like the “Humber Gateway”, operated by RWE, responsible for generating 219 megawatts – enough for 199,000 households – and “Triton Knoll”, which is 20 miles off the coast of Lincolnshire and has the capacity to power 935,000 average UK households.

The Grimsby-to-Walpole plan is one of 17 that have been identified as “essential”, meaning they need to be accelerated to meet 2030 targets and to cope with the rise in renewable power.

National Grid recently invited people to comment on the plans through a public consultation, which has now closed. They asked what the preferred location for the overhead line would be and for any potential locations for the new substations to accompany it.

They have also stated that they are exploring existing opportunities to utilise established electricity transmission locations, but in the case of new construction, they will consider factors like the presence of large towns and other built-up areas, as well as physical features such as estuaries or Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

National Grid stated that they are “committed to listening” to people’s views and “will consider” any comments as “feedback provided during our first public consultation will help inform our more detailed proposals”, which are expected to commence in 2025.

If plans do go ahead, the upgrade will involve the construction of approximately 140km of overhead electricity transmission line, which would come online in 2033, starting from Grimsby and then running south-east to Walpole.