The City of York Council Executive should be congratulated on adopting an advertising policy to limit the promotion of high fat, sugar and salt food and drink as part of a health strategy to tackle obesity and ill health (York council accused of ‘nannying’ for not advertising chocolate on bus shelters, April 13).

Residents in the Fulford and Fishergate area are, however, concerned at the proposal to add another McDonald’s to the growing number of fast-food outlets in the city (planning ref 24/00593/FUL).

This replaces a food retail store (Iceland) in a residential area with a takeaway, a 110 cover restaurant and a fast-food home delivery service.

Particularly as a brand that specifically targets children and young people in its advertising, this flies in the face of the council’s health policies, especially so close to at least six local schools and regular routes to and from school.

In addition, new proposed 7am-11pm opening hours, including takeaways and home deliveries, plus greater evening traffic to the site will impact on neighbours and add to concerns about road safety and congestion on Fulford Road.

We need more local food stores, not fast food outlets!

Denise Craghill,

Chair, York Green Party, Broadway West, York