In surprised reply to William Dixon Smith’s daft question as to whether there were any vegetarian cyclists in York – yes, yes, yes and yes!

That’s me, my wife, and both our children (Accumulated piety, Readers’ Letters, September 12).

It’s not about piety either. Vegetarianism is healthy, low carbon, avoids animal cruelty, and we love our food.

Cycling is healthy, fun, low carbon, cheap, and quick compared to the city traffic jams.

Both are the right thing to do when facing climate change and increased fuel and food bills.

I am not religious or attempting to be “holier than thou”, just living in a 21st-century practical way in the way that I choose and enjoy.

What’s pious about that?

John Cossham, Hull Road, York.

• Yes! I am sure I am not the only one. I have been a cyclist all of my life, 70 years (first outing in a sidecar at six weeks, a vegetarian for more than 50 years, of that a vegan for 20).

I learned to think logically for myself at the age of 11, so I have also been an atheist for 60 years. I regard all of this as a logical progression.

There is an organisation known as The Vegetarian Cycling And Athletic Club that was formed 120 years ago to demonstrate we are not a lot of wimps (nutters, perhaps).

We were singularly so successful that it was seriously suggested we had an unfair advantage akin to doping and should be banned from competition! Only a lot of serious research into diet and training has enabled the carnivores to catch up.

What really riles me is the unspeakable superstition of religion, Christian claptrap and Muslim mayhem, both claiming the other is evil along with the rest of the world. That American pit bull (or pig) with lipstick is now the most dangerous person in the world, with her denial of climate change (God will put it all right again), fur wearing and mooseburger eating. Well, I suppose she will have a short innings with all that saturated fat. It is us humans that have got this planet into this dire strait and only we can get ourselves out of it. There is no caring supernatural being out there to mop up the mess, so yes, I am just one who realises that we have no need for cars (except the disabled and frail elderly) and certainly no need for meat on our plates or milk in our tea. We are healthier and fitter without all of these.

Steve Oxbrow, Clifton Moor, York.